Check Your State Board CPA Licensing Requirements

State CPA CPE Licensing Requirements


Please note: The CPE Information provided in this section relates to CPAs only.
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Yes. MasterCPE is registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy as a CPE sponsor. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our CPE program. The Sponsor ID Number is 009930.

Renewal Date:

Last day of birth month annually

Reporting Period:

Ends at the end of the CPAs birth month, over a three year rolling period

Required Hours:

120 hours, with a minimum of 20 per year.

Ethics Required:

Licensees must take a 4-hour board approved ethics course every 2 years. A list of approved courses is provided by the Board.

Subject Rqmts:


Credit Limits:

  • A licensee may not claim more than 50 percent of the total CPE credits required from the non-technical area in a three-year reporting period.
  • “Technical Courses” are those courses pertaining to the profession of accounting. These courses include but are not limited to accounting, attest, tax, management advisory services, economics, finance, information technology, regulatory ethics, and other technical areas of benefit to a licensee and/or a licensee’s employer.
  • “Non-Technical Courses” are those courses not meeting the definition of “technical courses” that increase the licensee’s ability to serve in a competent manner, such as but not limited to communications, computer software and applications, behavioral ethics, behavioral science, and business management and organization, all of which must relate and must benefit a licensee and/or a licensee’s employer.

Other Policies:

All CPE shall be offered by board contracted CPE sponsors.

Contact Info:

Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
333 Guadalupe
Tower III, Suite 900
Austin, TX 78701-3900
Phone: 512-305-7800
Fax: 512-305-7854

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