Check Your State Board CPA Licensing Requirements

State CPA CPE Licensing Requirements

New York CPA CPE

Please note: The CPE Information provided in this section relates to CPAs only.
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MasterCPE courses are accepted by the New York Board because MasterCPE is a NASBA sponsor. Our ethics course has been approved the NY State Board under sponsor ID #002547.

Renewal Date:

Triennial based on date of issuance (current) and birth month (prior to 1/1/1993)

Reporting Period:

1/1 to 12/31 annually

Required Hours:

CPAs have the following options:

  • Complete a minimum of 40 contact hours of acceptable formal continuing education in any of the recognized subject areas, or
  • Complete a minimum of 24 contact hours of acceptable formal continuing education concentrated in one subject area.
  • Approved subject areas are: Accounting; Auditing; Taxation; Advisory Services; Specialized Knowledge and Applications related to specialized industries; and Ethics.
  • Note: the Advisory Services category for New York includes finance, computer science and software, information technology, business law, communications, economics, and business management courses. The 24 credits may be in any combination of these topics.
  • Straight mathematics and Promotional Marketing are not accepted as CPE in NYS. However, our business math course is considered an Advisory Service course.

Ethics Required:

Four (4) contact hours of acceptable professional ethics must be completed every three calendar years. These 4 credits of ethics may be counted toward your 24 or 40 CPE credits in the calendar year that you actually complete the ethics course. If the licensee chooses the 24-hours concentration in taxation, then the 4 hours of ethics may be fulfilled by taking the in the Ethics for New York – Tax Concentration course as part of the 24 total hours. Otherwise, you should take the regular Ethics for New York course for a total of 28 hours (24 hours in another concentration plus the 4 hours of ethics.) Regulatory ethics taken in a licensee’s principal jurisdiction to maintain an active license and accepted by the Board to meet the ethics requirements of that state, may also be used to meet the New York ethics requirement. The New York Sponsor ID number for our ethics courses is 002547.

Purchase Ethics for New York CPAs course now! 

New York Ethics for CPAs

Subject Rqmts:


Credit Limits:

  • University or college courses. Credit courses: Each semester hour equals 15 hours CE; each quarter hour equals 10 hours CE.

Other Policies:

Courses taken inside the state of New York must be sponsored by entities registered with the State Board.

Contact Info:

New York State Board for Public Accountancy
State Education Department
Division of Professional Licensing Services
89 Washington Avenue, 2nd Fl. East Mezzanine
Albany, NY 12234-1000
Phone: 518-474-3817 ext. 160
Fax: 518-474-6375

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